NoBoMet is the European Coordination Group of the Conformity Assessment Bodies notified by the European Commission for the Directives 2014/31/EU (NAWID) and 2014/32/EU (MID) as agreed between the Commission and the national coordinators of legal metrology during the Working Group Measuring Instruments (WGMI) meeting on 22 November 2019.
To improve mutual confidence between the bodies and countries in conformity assessment, the bodies have worked cooperatively on a communication platform for this branch. This platform establishes a common communication channel from and to the members on topics that are encountered in practice. This platform strives for international acknowledgement and recognition by governing organizations, public officials and public authorities. In this way, this platform will take care of general interests of the members.
Objectives and expected benefits
Conformity assessment is one of the essential pillars of the European quality infrastructure, performed by Notified Bodies. As part of the conformity assessment procedures, they have to decide almost daily whether the solutions proposed by manufacturers are acceptable or not.
NoBoMet promotes a uniform way of working of Notified Bodies and provides support to Notified Bodies support in their work and decisions, e.g. by
- Harmonization and further development of the conformity assessment practice in application of MID and NAWID
- Developing solutions to be able to equally assess specific requirements for measuring instruments in the context of conformity assessment
- Provision of discussion forums for direct and secure exchange of information between notified bodies using the CIRCABC workspace of the European Commission
- Establishment of project groups to work out specific topics
- Preparation of decision sheets related to conformity assessment in legal metrology
- Representation of the interests of European Notified Bodies towards other organizations
- Passing on information from the relevant bodies and organizations in legal metrology
- Rising awareness and strengthening the position of Notified Bodies as important players in the European quality infrastructure
NoBoMet uses the non-public NoBoMet workspace on the platform CIRCABC provided by the European Commission for information exchange and forum discussions. Bodies notified for NAWID or MID shall register on CIRCABC and request access to the NoBoMet workspace under
- All bodies notified under the Directives 2014/31/EU and 2014/32/EU
- Designated representatives of Notified Bodies established by the state responsible for the notification of these Notified Bodies
- European Commission
Notified Bodies may choose to participate directly or to be represented by a designated representative established by their state. They shall ensure that their personnel is informed of the activities of NoBoMet and apply as a guidance the administrative decisions and documents produced by this group.
Mr. Harry Stolz (PTB)
Executive Manager:
Mrs. Stefanie Hahnke (PTB)